作者黃水斌1993年加入天下出版社任寫畫助理一職,同年晉升漫畫主筆。次年推出首部作品《誕生》。1995年擔任美術主筆後,先後參與多部漫畫作品,包括《天下畫集》、《黑豹列傳》、《倚天屠龍記》、《天殛》、《英雄無淚》等。個人短篇作品則有《世紀末煙花》和《極速傳說》,並於2009年及2013年推出個人畫集《Fruit Punch》及《Fruit Punch 2.0》。其後加入大渡出版有限公司,主要作品為《欲望之翼》。2016年成立水斌工作室,推出 《Fruit Punch》 Tee,以及於2018年推出大獲好評的《英雄本色 1.0》。2018年至2020年完成《英雄本色 2.0》和《英雄本色 3.0》。個人畫集《Fruit Punch 3.0》、《Fruit Punch 4.0》、《Fruit Punch 5.0》及《Fruit Punch 6.0》也相繼推出。2021年7月則於書展正式出版新作《倩女幽魂》。黃水斌繼《英雄本色》後又一傾力製作。通過細膩筆觸勾劃出寧采臣與聶小倩一段人鬼相戀的凄美故事。 

Shui-pan Wong joined Jonesky Limited as an art assistant in 1993 and was promoted to chief comics writer later in the same year. His first work, Creation, was published in 1994. In 1995, he became one of the chief art editors of the company, and in the following years, he was responsible for the art of Jonesky Comics, Black Leopard, Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre, The Punishment, and Hero Sheds No Tears. Wong’s short solo works include Last Fireworks of the Century and Legend of Speed. He published his solo art collections Fruit Punch and Fruit Punch 2.0 in 2009 and 2013 respectively. He later joined Tato Press Limited, where he worked primarily on EGO. In 2016, he founded Shuipan Workshop, launching Fruit Punch Tee. He published A Better Tomorrow 1.0 in 2018. From 2018 to 2020, he has finished A Better Tomorrow 2.0 and 3.0. Solo art collections Fruit Punch 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 & 6.0 have also been launched. His new art work A Chinese Ghost Story was published in July 2021. Another great work of Shui-pan Wong after A Better Tomorrow series. Through his delicate brushwork, a poignant human and ghost love story of Choi-san Ling and Siu-sin Lip is outlined.